Punk and Other Four Letter Words By Linda Aronow

Cabin 1 Books

Regular price $40.00

Punk and Other Four Letter Words: 1980’s Punk, Goth and Rock Photographs by Linda Aronow

Linda Aronow

Cabin 1 Books

As a teen growing up in the 80’s, Linda Aronow fell in love with punk rock...and photography. Afterborrowingher father’s Canon AE1 she became a staple at shows across Southern California, often at the edge of the stage shooting the bands of the time, many of them still going strong, and many now gone forever.

Linda has had several solo exhibitions as well as group shows; her work has been published in “Corporate Rock Sucks,” used for the cover of “Rozz Williams In His Own Words”, and has photos featured in several documentaries including T.S.O.L. “Ignore Heroes” and Redd Kross “Born Innocent”.

Her work has been licensed by various independent record labels including Cleopatra, Dionysus, Demon Records, Radiation Records, and Mystic Records, as well as print publications such as L.A. Reader, Generation Magazine, Not Like You Zine, and Razorblades and Aspirin. Linda has several photos on display at the Punk Rock Museum in Las Vegas.

This is a collection of some of her favorite punk, goth, and rock photos from this period.

Agnostic front, Alice Bag, America’s Hardcore, Angelic Upstarts, Bad Religion, Black Flag, Broken Bones, Celebrity Skin, Channel 3, Chelsea, Christian Death, Dark Age, Detox, Die Schlaflosen, DOA, Don’t No, Entropy, Gang Of Four, GBH, Gwar, Haunted Garage, Kommunity FK, The Lords Of The New Church, MDC, Meat Puppets, Minor Threat, Neighborhood Watch, Nervous Gender, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Redd Kross, Rigor Mortis, Screaming Jay Hawkins, Social Distortion, Specimen, Stretch Marks, Stukas Over Bedrock, Super Heroines, TSOL, The Vandals and more.

11.3x9.3 Inches

208 pages